The Messenger
Once upon a time... I happened to play a game. A multi-user online game. One day I stumbled across another player who had a lot of experience, but probably grew a bit tired of playing. In his character description he stated how bored he was and that he needed some entertainment. Well, since him and myself were about to have an in-game quarrel, I decided to make my point, explain about what I was up to, what his plans meant to me, etc. Since he had "pleaded" for some entertainment, I put everything I had to say into a fantasy style tale.
Apparently he liked it, the quarrel was ended - and I ended up continuing the tale. Here is what I have produced so far. Stay tuned, as new pages are added daily.
Red McGreen
March - 2008, somewhere in cyberspace

NewAlf - Eternal thanks to you for making this happen!

There is also a forum. Please have a look - thank you!

F.W. - you will always be remembered
I.L. - forever missed
D.A. - it hurts beyond words

  © 2008 · Red McGreen · E-Mailsend email