The Initiation
Lendear noticed the High Archmage on the left producing something from his robes, attaching it to a ring on his right index finger and in doing so producing a sphere of deep green not unlike the one, Thealdi would occasionally create. At the back wall a door appeared, the scene resembling their arrival at the gates of Brougoth, but this time no guards appeared. The High Archmage, who had conjured the door, stepped inside and the others followed suit. A flight of winding stairs lead the way to the dungeons below the Great Hall. The entire section below the Great Hall was off limits for the ordinary villager and few had ever been granted admittance, Thealdi announced to his group. Tonight however there would be an exception as Lendear was to be introduced. Both Lillyveen and Myrtha would also be granted admission for reasons they should soon discover.
They assembled in a richly decorated chamber. Enormous portraits of High Archmages from previous times filled the walls on either side. On the far side, weapons of all shapes and sizes were mounted to the wall, accompanied by shields and other pieces of armour, a fireplace in the centre provided both a warm atmosphere and enough heat for a good comfort. Like above in the Great Hall, there was a podium and Lendear counted twelve wooden stools with richly carved high backs. As they had done before, the twelve members of the High Council took seats whereas the four visitors remained standing. The High Archmage, who had led the gathering before, opened the meeting.
“Master To, young Master Lendear, Lady Myrtha, young Lady Lillyveen – once again, welcome to Brougoth. It is both my honour and my pleasure to lead tonight’s meeting for we shall celebrate an joyous occasion that fills our hearts with new hope and delight.
Young Master Lendear, great hopes lie on you, greater yet the obligations entailed on your shoulders, and stony the path you shall be taking. Great dangers await you, tremendous demands on the endurance of both the body and the mind will be induced, but fear not, for not only Master To, but the entire High Council will be at your side.”
He paused, looked at the boy for a while, a faint, yet encouraging smile on his lips. Lendears heart beating so hard against his rips, he was sure it must show through his tunic, mouth dry, ears ringing, the boy gave a pitiful sight. This time, Thealdi made no move to come to his aid but remained standing where he was, looking solemn and waiting for the High Archmage to start the initiation.
“It is my privilege to officially appoint you Messenger. Young Master Lendear, upon this appointment you will also carry the title of High Protector. As a sign for the knowing, you will be handed a special weapon. Guard it with your life for it stands not only for all our hopes, but is gifted with rare powers.”
Upon these words, the High Archmage turned to the wall where the weapons were displayed, selected a small skean and returned to the boy.
“It might look a bit farcical, but be not betrayed by its appearance for it holds great powers. Stretch out your arm, for the metal of this skean has to taste blood to form the bond and receive the branding of its new master.”
Lendear bravely followed the instruction and prepared for the soon to be inflicted pain. Before the High Archmage approached the boy however, he produced his gem again and attached it to the ring on his index finger. The two of them were immediately engulfed in red. Calmness settled over Lendear and he had a vivid recollection of his first encounter with the gems.
When the blade penetrated his arm, he felt nothing at first, but rather than the expected pain a slight tingling crawled from the point where the skean had opened his skin and spread from his arm to his chest and soon filled his entire body. It was such a strange sensation, Lendear couldn’t decide if it was tickling, palming or prickling.
After what seemed like hours, the High Archmage extracted the weapon from Lendears arm, the odd sensation, Lendear had felt while the blade had been penetrating his body vanished. The High Archmage turned the skean so the handle would point in the boys direction and said:
“Take this weapon. The bond between you has been established, sealed is the connection between you and the holy blade for as long as you live. Use it as you are destined to in the spirit of C’tar. Accept it and become Messenger. ”
Lendear hesitated, he was still taking in what had happened. This was it, the point of no return for him. Up to this very moment he had felt that there would still be a way out if he decided that what was expected of him could not be fulfilled. On the other hand, he had already given in to the prospect of this radical change in his life. If he declined now, would he be allowed to go back home to his mother? Is that what he really wanted? Didn’t he already feel too responsible, albeit he had no idea how he would ever be able to accomplish what was to come. At least not with what he had at hand in skill, experience and power. But he had witnessed the strangest things in the last couple of days and somehow he sensed that after all there might be a possibility that with the help of these people he could succeed in the end. So Lendear decided to face the challenge, accept the burden and the position that was destined for him. He took the weapon and as soon as his hand closed around the handle, the prickling returned, this time definitely pleasing.
The High Archmage disconnected the gem from his ring and reality replaced the sphere. All High Archmages raised and announced in unison:
“The High Council welcomes the new Messenger and High Protector!”
Lendear bowed and not finding any appropriate words in response remained silent. Thealdi beamed at him, ultimately proud and at the same time utterly relieved at the boys decision, for he had sensed the battle, Lendear had fought when he was offered the skean. He took the boy by the arm and led him to the side in order to make room for Myrtha and Lillyveen. He knew the reason why the two had been allowed to follow the men down to this chamber but left it to the High Archmage to make the announcement.
The High Archmage now addressed the woman and the girl.
“Lady Myrtha, Young Lady Lillyveen. The High Council got word of your sufferings. It has been decided to provide each of you with an item that shall help you to overcome your grieving. Master To has agreed to assist in showing you the use of these artefacts. You will soon learn of their value and it pleases us that we have the means to provide you with this comfort. Please step forward.”
The two obeyed and the High Archmage handed each an gold chain with a little white gem, not unlike a diamond attached.
“Wear these and may you find happiness again.”
He bowed, turned and without another word led the group back to the surface where the companies parted, the High Council returning down to meet his fellows, the group of four heading for the entrance of the Great Hall.

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