Not only inspired, but dedicated to NewAlf. Without you, this entire adventure wouldn’t exist. Eternal thanks for making me start this little project, you pushed me to put it online and share it with a wider community.
Some people I have met in these worlds where it all started, found their way into the story. Not ranked, but as they were added:
Awed by her skills and grateful to have her as a friend, she made her way into the story and every event where Khozo Mas is involved made me smile thinking of the person who inspired the character: Thank you for everything, Cosmos!
Lilly, who has helped a puny little alliance to grow and prosper, who had always provided goods and advise appears as Lillyveen.
A never tiring alliance leader from my homeland still awes me with his dedication. Littlebird, as a small tribute to your tireless efforts, I’ve allowed myself to reserve you too a little spot in the story: Parvilmus.

  © 2008 · Red McGreen · E-Mailsend email