Inner Guidance
The news on the arrival of the Yakhath had to be treated with the greatest caution. Thealdi and Khozo Mas quickly agreed to keep this knowledge from the other inhabitants for a while, but it had to be relayed to the High Abbot without much delay. The old man set off to see his master while Khozo Mas waited for the others to share breakfast.
Caldatha Mas had sent an envoy for Lendear and so the head librarian and the boy went to the grounds of the order through the secret passageway in the library to see the abbess.
“Lendear, my dear. So good to see you! Apparently you have fully recovered from your, let’s call it - adventure. Khozo, thank you for bringing the boy.”
With a brief nod and a warm smile, the head librarian was dismissed.
“I have sent for you because there is something I wanted to tell you. Please follow me to the sanctum.”
With that, she turned and led the way down to the dungeons of the cloister. Soon they arrived at what the abbess had referred to as the sanctum. A mighty, two-winged door led into a perfectly round room, empty except for a alter-like roundtable in its centre, the only item being a heavy chandelier staffed with twelve white candles. The ceiling was curved and painted with a representation of the night sky so skilfully that Lendear first thought it to be the real thing. Of course, being down in the dungeons this was quite impossible, but he stood, jaws dropped, taking in the perfection of the image. When they had entered the sanctum, the abbess spoke:
“This is the place where we go when we wish to perform our spiritual cleansing. We also come here when heavy thoughts cloud our minds or when we seek perception on various matters of the mind. The atmosphere of this room is quite special, don’t you agree?”
She eyed the boy who had finally managed to get his teeth together again and waited for him to reply.
“I don’t know who to say this”, Lendear began.
“There is such a calmness here, like if the room emits it.”
He shot an insecure glance at the old woman, but she merely smiled at him. This was quite puzzling and he took his time attempting to decide where all the impressions would fall into. He felt at ease to an extend that he thought to have lost right after his first encounter with Thealdi To. “I can feel it. All the troubles of lately are loosing weight”, he finally attempted to express what he felt. The abbess seemed quite satisfied with that and motioned Lendear to the roundtable. She took position opposite of him and placed both hands on the table.
“This is the centre of the forces you feel. Go ahead and touch it.”
He did as ordered and the faint feelings now intensified many-fold. An almighty feeling of peace engulfed him and headed right into the centre of his heart. Caldatha Mas smiled and as she fixed Lendears eyes, the gem she wore around her neck started to emit a low glow building a white aura that extended and soon the two were bathed in milky white.
“Lendear. With the help of my gemstone we will now establish a connection of our minds. Fear not, this is not an invasion but a fusion allowing my words to be accompanied by my feelings, connecting with yours and intensifying the message that is of greatest importance for you.
Now hear these words as they carry the wisdom of ancient times. Follow these commandments and you shall overcome all seemingly insurmountable obstacles that may lay ahead of you. Though the road before you is perilous and fraught with temptations, always follow these words of wisdom and you shall succeed.”
She paused, allowing the boy to fully focus on what was to come.

"From the Great Spirits visible to us through C'tar, may you always know peace, love and joy. In your dealings with others, be patient, be kind, be benign. Treat yourself with truth and faithfulness, be meek and modest, maintain your self control. Honour these most valuable constraints with your heart and mind at all times, and you shall become the true Messenger. "

Again the abbess halted, her eyes still locked into the boys, but now more probing as if she attempted to gain visual confirmation of having reached Lendears mind properly. The boy only stood blank faced as if he had fallen into a state of trance. The aura of the gemstone was affecting him more than she had anticipated and not for the first time she had the feeling that this boy indeed was more than just the new Messenger to be. Finally the boy spoke:
“This is the key to it all.” Just a simple statement, but it carried the deeper understanding Lendear had just reached. What would have taken the ordinary years to fully comprehend had just manifested itself in his mind within seconds as if this knowledge had been there all along and just not reached the surface of his mind until the words were spoken aloud.
“I thank thee for your generosity of sharing the ancient wisdom and to entrust me with the knowledge on how I can prevail over what is to come. I would now like a few moments.”
He had practically dismissed the Abbess with his last remark, but she didn’t seem offended in the slightest, quite in the contrary, she felt joy and admitted herself a note of pride to swing in. Silently she covered her gemstone with her hand, causing the aura to fade, bowed and let herself out of the sanctum.
Lendear remained standing, his hands still touching the table. His thoughts were no longer foggy, no, he felt a sharpness of mind, a general cognition settling in, his perception increasing by the instant, realization of correlations manifesting as if his brain was being rearranged, enhanced to higher levels. He wandered back to his first encounters with Thealdi To, the many questions he had had, his fruitless attempts at trying to comprehend what the old man had wanted from him, their encounters with the strangest of beings, their battles, the people they had met during their travel to Brougoth and the gift he had received early on – the gemstone.
He let his thoughts travel his memories of all the happenings in Brougoth and once more he had the sensation of fragments from different areas being arranged, forming new patterns, leading to deeper understanding and comprehension.
When he finally let go of the table, he had changed dramatically. The boy Lendear was no more, whatever forces had worked at and within him, had changed him for good.

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