The Idea of a Map
After diving into the story - I must admit - I too got confused at times. The need for a map (amongst other little helpers) rose, but being not exactly gifted in areas of drawing/sketching I had a problem. And I needed help.
Khozo Mas, the cartographer introduced in chapter 3 is a tribute to my friend Cosmos. What you created is beyond words, I want the world to know from what you had to start with so everyone can truly value this finest piece of artwork.
The picture below is what I sent Cosmos after she agreed to do the map.

The REAL Map
After seeing my littly puny sketch, please click on the icon below and I hope you will be as flabbergasted upon the sight as I was when I first saw it.
The Real Map
THANK YOU, Cosmos!

  © 2008 · Red McGreen · E-Mailsend email