Once upon a time when a mighty kingdom ruled over the known world, a small band of brothers formed for they loved their valleys and the families who lived there in peace. The mighty kingdom had not yet put any pressure on this little group, life was without taxes and a great happiness was shared amongst the brave settlers who prospered and grew in conviviality. The bonds that held them together were forged of the finest ingredients such as friendship, trust, a common culture and the fine arts. Over time, this little group came to learn about the higher goals, the final battle that would come to the world. The decision was made to harden for such times and to seek the acknowledgement of the mighty kingdom. The hopes of this little band of brothers and sisters was to become part of the mighty kingdom to help fight the enemy who would invade these lands.
One day a mighty warrior suddenly appeared at the gates of one brave member of the band and after crushing through the gates, stampeding through the local market, was suddenly confronted by the most beautiful maid he had ever laid his eyes on. Stunned by her appearance he ceased his rampage, hypnotized, not able to form a clear thought. The maid merely looked at him and her disdainfulness written in her face went straight to his heart. Still not able to grasp at what he saw, he began to stutter illegible words, his comrades at an utter loss as to what was going on. Finally he bellowed at them to stop - an eerie silence settled over the scene, all eyes were fixed on him.
What was the mighty warrior to do? How could this maid fix him with her stare? After what seemed like an eternity the maid addressed the warrior with one simple word: "Come." Perplexed the warrior lowered his shield, hafted his mighty sword and addressed his first-in-command.
"You stay here and watch the crowd. No interruptions, no quarrels, keep everyone at bay!" and started to trail the maid who had already turned heading for a small non descriptive hut. Turning over the wolfs fur which hung over the entrance she motioned him to follow her inside. The hut was dimly lit, strange artefacts lay scattered, a shelf with hundreds of tiny little bottles filled with liquids of all colours was placed at one wall, the ground was covered with furs from all kinds of different animals and in the corner the warrior could just make out a bed camp.
Who was this strange woman, this unearthly beauty who barley seemed to touch the ground when she walked, radiating an aura that seemed to cloud the warriors mind. He felt an utter peace embracing him, his bodily strength and the fighters conquering will leaving him. All that was left for him was to stare at her, his limbs numb, unable to hold on to the tiniest thought forming in his lulled brain. Slowly he sank to the ground unable to keep his eyes from closing and drifted off to a dreamless sleep.
At the instant his head touched the soft fur, the maid began to turn to the shelf with the bottles, muttering in a strange language, examining the liquids, taking out bottles, sampling them by opening the lids, sniffing, holding them to the only lantern in the hood, shaking them gently. After a short while she had gathered some bottles which she carried across to a little table that was littered with the strangest instruments. A large glass bowl was placed in the centre of the table and with great concentration still muttering words of the ancient tongue, the maid began to mix the ingredients. Once in a while she would look up, examining the warrior who lay on the ground, with an expression of innocence on his face, that one could have never guessed what he had done just a short while ago, when he had crushed through the gates of this peaceful town, slicing throats, stabbing unprepared bodies, bashing men, women and children to the ground with his mighty shield, trampling over broken limbs and bodies.
During this stampede, a young child, in the midst of all this chaos and bloodshed, had stood quite still watching the slaughtering of the villagers as if it was a vast distance away in a save place where no hurt could be done. Indeed, not a single warrior ever came close to the child as if it were protected by an invisible sphere. When the massacre finally came to an unexpected halt by the appearance of the strange maid, the young boy watched, as did everyone still able to do so, the strange encounter between her and the mighty warrior. Shortly after the maid had requested the warrior to follow her, the young boy walked slowly after them. No warrior blocked his way, no concerned villager attempted to stop him as if he was not at all there. Approaching the little hut, the boy produced a tiny red gem from his pouch and attached it to a golden, nondescript bracelet he was wearing on his right arm. As soon as the gem connected with the bracelet a reddish aura began to emit from it engulfing the entire hut. That was the moment, when the mighty warrior inside was relieved from all his strength, sinking to the ground.

  © 2008 · Red McGreen · E-Mailsend email