Thealdis Tale
“As you already know”, Thealdi began, “I come from Bemlyr K’haa and for this I belong to the folk of Gemlats. Your folk and mine have had ties since the beginning of time. When C’tar ascended from the depths of the earth, he created the Gemlats and made it their destiny to fulfil his will throughout the lands and seas. So when the Gemlats learned of the existence of your folk, they sent one of the Great Archmages across the lands to Lapragth, which at these early times was still without name. Your people learned from him and received his protection for it was the destiny of the Gemlats to see after you and your well being. The Archmage, after living with you for many years, finally married a woman from your tribe and together they had a son who was to become the first messenger of the Henveds. Since these early times and out of this bloodline a messenger was chosen who was to travel to the lands of Bemlyr K’haa in order to receive his training that would allow him to continue the fulfilment of C’tars will. The training was performed by members of my family, who had kept this privilege until these days. Now the duty and pleasure of training a Henveds messenger lies in my hands.
Unfortunately your folk has failed in the continuation of this arrangement, for you have lived a great span of time without a threat from the outside world and the necessity of naming and sending off a candidate seemed to diminish more and more as year after year peacefully passed. For it is neither our custom nor the will of C’tar, we wouldn’t force the Henveds to preserve the custom. But when troublesome news reached us, I took off immediately in order to re-establish the bonds we had shared for countless times.
Your folk is still unaware of the great danger that lays ahead of the Henveds. The time of peace will end soon as a mighty army marches across the lands and will be reaching Lapragth by late spring.
Not even the mighty kingdom of Beakil Khum will have the power to put an halt to the approaching armies with what they have at their hands. The high imperator Nerronh is aware of the threats and has started to prepare for war. He has instructed all his kings to spread across the lands in order to collect whatever resources they can get hold of and amass as many troops as possible. He made it free for them to decide whether to go on sole pillaging or taking over entire valleys, establishing a knight from their high court to control the local villagers and force them into the armies.
With these orders the lands of Lapragth face additional danger for the plundering and conquering armies of Beakil Khum are to arrive soon.
Your role in all this will be revealed soon, but for now I will leave it at that, just one more fact for tonight though.”
He paused, collecting his thoughts, studying the boy. Then he continued.
“Lendear, you and your mother are descendants of the first Gemlat who travelled the distances between Bemlyr K’haa and Lapragth and since you are the only child it is your destiny to become the new messenger of the Henveds, so much you will have guessed by now, am I right?”.
He looked at Lendear who had, despite the latest revelations, troubles to keep his eyes open. “The messenger was not only used to relay information between the Gemlats and the Henveds, but also carried the title of ‘High Protector’ and with that had great obligations when times were not peaceful.
In the past, training of the messenger was done in the span of five years, now there will be less than five months. This might explain all the rush I had to put on you and your mother.” The journey was taking it’s toll and so Thealdi decided to end the story for the night and producing a leaf of bread, a few slices of dried meat, and a flask of water from his backpack, headed towards the boy. They shared the simple meal in silence. After whishing each other a good nights sleep they cuddled up in their blankets under the dark sky and descended off to the land of dreams.

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