The Great Hall
Thealdi stood before the enormous gong in the hallway and gave it a powerful hit with the mallet, causing a vibrating sound to chase the corridors, penetrating the doors to summon the inhabitants. He had told them about the old custom, the sound of the gong a signal to all residents for assembling to either sit town at the table for a meal or to congregate for a jointly venture. This time its purpose was for the latter as they were scheduled to go to the Great Hall where many of the inhabitants of Brougoth eagerly awaited their arrival.
Lendear gasped once more at the enormity of the building. Murmurs could be heard from within and by the sound of it he pictured some hundred people inside. How wrong he was he realized when they approached the centre isle gaining the full view of the inside. At least a thousand villagers were seated left and right, three levels of balconies on either side each giving room for many hundred more. Shyly he whispered:
“Master, so many people!”
“Indeed, my young friend. The Great Hall can house the best of three thousand people and I daresay that is how many have come tonight. They are here for you, but fear not. I shall be doing the talking.” Thealdi added hastily upon the face Lendear made on this revelation. Relieved, but still daunted, Lendear relaxed a bit and together with Lillyveen and Myrtha followed his master to the front where at the podium a group of twelve men were seated. The girl and the woman took seats in the first row where two stools had been left free, whereas the old man and the boy approached the podium. Lendear guessed the seated men to be the High Archmages and rightly so as one of them got up to address the newcomers. Quickly silence settled and the High Archmage spoke:
“In the name of the High Council: Welcome home, Master To and welcome to Brougoth, young Master Lendear! We are very pleased to find you both in good health.
My dear friends and proud villagers of the Brougoth, let us hear the words of Master To.”
Thealdi bowed deeply and Lendear quickly followed his example.
“Thank you, Your Excellency”, he answered and motioned Lendear to one of the two free seats at the left side of the podium. He himself remained standing and turned to the audience.
“People of Brougoth, people of the Gemlats, friends of the Lapragth! It fills me with deep pleasure to announce here tonight that we have indeed found a new messenger!”
Roaring applause and cheers erupted, Thealdi merely smiling his smile and watching the crowd while Lendears yaws dropped as it dawned on him what significance the news of the messenger must hold to the people. When the noise finally ebbed, Thealdi continued.
“With the new messenger we will re-establish the bonds between the Henveds and the Gemlats.
With the new messengers our power will again unfold.
With the new messenger we will be able to stand against the Beakil Khum!
And we will put a halt to the invading armies from across the Great Sea!”
With each statement, Thealdi had raised his voice further until the last sentence was bellowed against the ever increasing cheers of the listeners.
Again, the old man had to pause and wait for the audience to calm down. Seemingly pleased he beamed at the boy before he continued. The tale of the journey was told, the encounter with the Grinhak was accompanied with brief murmurs , the victorious battle on the river earned him another round of applause, whereas the tale of Toodsted left the entire hall with ghastly silence.
After what seemed like an eternity to Lendear, the High Archmage got up and said:
“Villagers of the Brougoth, there are times for mourning and there are times for tears”, he paused briefly and continued with a raised voice, “but tonight we shall raise our heads high and celebrate the arrival of the messenger!”
His announcement was first answered with reluctant and scattered clapping, but soon the Great Hall was brought down with the collective applause of three thousand people.
Finally, the twelve members of the High Council raised, thus signalling the end of the gathering and soon the streets were flooded with people, the excitement about the good news and the upcoming celebrations creating a high spirited atmosphere.

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