The journey to Bemlyr K’haa
When Lynveeda had finished her packing, Thealdi arranged the necessary preparations for the trip to come. Lynveeda was tasked with going to the market to collect some supplies, while Lendear was to go to the weapon smith in order to buy new arrows for his bow and a new hunting knife. Thealdi himself set out to provide the proper transport and headed to the stables after agreeing to reassemble at the hut within an hours time.
Lendear, who had received a good sum of money from Thealdi started off to the weapon smith, now all excited, the worries blown away by the adventure laying ahead of him. With the coins clinkering in his pocket he arrived at the house where the smith lived with his wife and son. Thealdi had instructed Lendear not to talk to anyone about their planned task by making Lendear promise to keep it secret. As it was to be expected, the smith started to ask Lendear questions when he produced the coins to pay for his purchase as it was well known throughout the village that Lynveeda was not exactly a wealthy woman. Lendear mumbled something about having had a lucky hand at gambling, but it was obvious that the smith didn’t believe a word. Being a greedy man however made him refrain from further questions, his mind fixed on the fine bargain he was about to make. So money and goods were exchanged without further conversation and Lendear sprinted back home.
In the meantime Thealdi had made his way to the stables and after brief negotiations with the stable master and some further exchange of money, headed back towards the hut with three horses in tow. He had purchased a black stallion whom he was planning to use for himself, a brown, apparently good natured mare for Lendear and another brown mare that would be carrying their provisions, blankets and backpacks.
When he arrived at the hut, Lendear and Lynveeda were already waiting for him, silently embraced and reluctantly awaiting the moment of departure. A last kiss accompanied by a brief hug, Lynveeda finally let go of Lendear, throwing a last and warning glance at Thealdi who had had to promise to guard the life of her son with his own and the two travellers started their journey to Bemlyr K’haa. It was to be for a very long time that the three of them would stand united again.
Lendear was not an experienced rider, but the mare made it easy for him and he soon became accustomed to her trot and even started to like this way of travelling not knowing that his body would teach him different soon. Thealdi, who had mounted the stallion, his swift movements giving him away as an expert with horses, led the way, the other mare attached to his saddle by rope. Again they passed through the gates of Gheenteld without being spared a single glance by the guards. All the questions Lendear had managed to keep at bay in the last hours now pressed to be spoken out, but at the instance he was about to open his mouth, Thealdi turned and spoke. “Not now, Lendear – yet again I will have to ask you for patience. We will talk when we rest, but as long as we ride I must insist on silence. You will understand, I promise.” Lendear was not at all willing to give in this time and his patience finally running out he shouted
“I don’t care! You’ve made me leave home, leave my mother in tears and for what? I want to know and I want to know now!”
The last syllable still echoing in his own ears, Lendear was suddenly lifted off his saddle and found himself sprawled on the floor an instant later. Hurting and utterly confused he attempted to jump back up again, but was firmly held to the ground by unseen forces. Fighting he struggled but to no avail. Whatever kept him to the ground would not let go. Thealdi, who looked at him with mild curiosity was soon identified as the source of theses forces for he was pointing straight at Lendears chest with the index finger of his right hand.
“Lendear, I regret my actions, but you left me no choice. Now promise to keep your silence until I say otherwise”, Thealdi hissed, his expression suddenly dark, all kindness vanished from his face. Taken aback by this unaccustomed enragement, Lendear eased his struggles and silently nodded, feeling the pressure on his chest lifting in the same instant. Slowly he got up again, brushing off the dust and remounted his mare who hadn’t bothered moving another step as soon as she was freed of her rider. Thealdis face relaxed and he turned again to lead the way.
When the sun had made her descent to the horizon, Thealdi started to scan the vicinity for a fitting spot where they would spend the night. Finally he halted, dismounted and motioned Lendear to do likewise. After tying the horses to a tree and taking the blankets from the brown mare, he ordered Lendear to collect some fire wood. When they were finished with the preparations for the night and a fire was lit, warming the two travellers as the approaching winter sent his first tokens of frost, Thealdi produced a malachite gem from his robes and attached it to a ring on his right index finger. A low glow started to emit from it, engulfing both the travellers and their horses in dark green.
“It is safe now, Lendear. Before you start, please accept my apologies, not only for what I was forced to do a while back in order to silence you, but also for taking you away from your mother, your home and your former life. Unfortunately the latest events never allowed for an alternative as much as I wished we had one.
The road has many ears and the enemy forces have the means to gather intelligence in many different ways. You will understand in due time.”
He paused briefly as if to prepare for what was to come.
“And now you may ask what’s on your mind, I shall try to answer your questions satisfactory.” Lendears mind was whirling, uncounted questions dancing around the memories of the latest events and as much as he tried, he could not order the chaos of thoughts in his head. Thealdi seemed to sense this for he spoke again.
“I see you have troubles, trying to put a meaning to the encounters and happenings of lately. I will, if this agrees with you, tell you a little about me and where I come from and a little about the latest developments. I assume this will answer at least some of the questions that are bugging you right now.”
Lendear merely nodded and realizing how the journey had tired him, cuddled in his blanket, ready to hear Thealdi out. He didn’t notice the hunger creeping up from his belly, nor his throat having gone dry, all he could focus on was to finally get some answers.

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